Classroom log in instructions for Faculty and Staff

Gwinnett Tech has a domain for students to log into and a separate domain for Faculty and Staff.

Classrooms and other student use computers are on the student domain and computers in the employee office areas are on the Faculty and Staff domain.

Faculty and staff logging in to a classroom computer will have to change to the faculty staff domain to get in using their regular log in ID and password.

classroom login stu.png

When you click on Other User to sign in, you will see a log in prompt for the student domain as in the picture above.

Use gtc\ to switch domains

In order to sign in you will need to switch to the Faculty Staff use domain by entering gtc\ before your user ID.

classroom login gtc.png


Employees who need Tech Support should contact the IT Help Desk.

Please call 678-226-6800 or email

Thank you