Lockdown Browser error "The browser cant be used in virtual machine"

"The browser cant be used in virtual machine software such as Virtual PC, VMWare and Parallels."

Lockdown VM error.jpeg

If you get the virtual machine error message in the image above while trying to take a test in LockDown Browser, you will be unable to continue the exam until the error is cleared.

"The browser cant be used in virtual machine software such as Virtual PC, VMWare and Parallels."

According to the Respondus Lockdown Browser student support page for this error there are a few different things that can cause the error.

Respondus says "If the deadline for an exam is near, you may want to consider locating another computer, Mac or Windows, with LockDown Browser."

This is good advice.

Lockdown Browser available on campus

Lockdown browser is installed in the library and some other locations on campus for students to use. Don't miss the deadline for your exam because of a tech related issue.

Follow this link for additional information: https://gtclibrary.libanswers.com/blackboard/faq/351954

Tech Support Available on campus

Errors like this are best diagnosed in person at the Tech Support Desk on campus.

Tech Support desk on campus, hours and location

According to Respondus "Anti-virus software can sometimes result in this type of error when running small "sandbox" VMs. Shutting down the anti-virus software temporarily while you use LockDown Browser may help."

We have sometimes seen this error with antivirus software such as Mcaffee, Norton, or other products. You may need to disable those while using LockDown browser.

Get the exam out of the way in the Library so you don't miss your deadline, then stop by and see us at the Tech Support desk on campus. We are happy to help you get past this error.

If you need tech support with anything else please let us know.

You can send us a message, give us a call, or come see us in person in the front lobby in building 100 on the Lawrenceville campus.

Tech Support desk on campus, hours and location.

Thank you

Student Tech Support

Stuhelpdesk@gwinnetttech.edu | 678-226-6407


Frequently asked questions can also be found on our webpage.
