​Can I use a Chromebook at Gwinnett Tech?

Can I use a Chromebook?

A Chromebook is not a supported device for use with Gwinnett Tech apps and systems.

You will have problems trying to use a chrome book.


What happens if I use an unsupported device?

Unsupported devices may encounter unexpected errors and Student Tech Support will be unable to assist in troubleshooting those errors.


OKTA dashboard errors

Because of the way Chromebooks interact with the OKTA dashboard, Chromebooks are more prone to get stuck in a log in loop or expired log in Error. We would not recommend using a Chromebook.

Temporary workaround

If you must temporarily use a Chromebook, you may be able to avoid the OKTA log in errors by using an incognito window.

Please Note: Using an incognito window should only be used as a temporary workaround.
You may still experience other unexpected errors as listed below.

Chromebooks are not supported devices at Gwinnett Tech.

Click the three dots in the upper right hand corner of your Chrome browser to bring down the menu, look for the new incognito window option on that menu.


Blackboard errors

Blackboard support has let us know that they do not support the use of Chromebooks on the blackboard platform. You will get errors similar as if you try to use a phone or a tablet. Mobile devices are not supported on blackboard. Some pages won't display properly, some links won't open.


Banner errors

You may also get errors when trying to access banner, some pages won't display properly, some links won't open.


Lockdown browser

You will also need Lockdown Browser for most classes. The version of Lockdown browser used at Gwinnett Tech is not compatible with Chromebooks.


Can I use a Chromebook?

We would not recommend trying to use a chrome book as there are a lot of issues you may run into. It is not a supported device.


What should I use instead?

These are the Recommended Computer specifications for students. These devices are supported and known to perform well with Gwinnett Tech sites and apps.

Recommended Computer specifications for students


Are there computers I can use on campus?

There are several open labs located on campus for students who need to use a computer to complete assignments as well as computers available in the Library



If you need tech support with anything else please let us know.

You can send us a message, give us a call, or come see us in person in the front lobby in building 100 on the Lawrenceville campus.

Thank you

Student IT Help Desk

Stuhelpdesk@gwinnetttech.edu | 678-226-6407


Frequently asked questions can also be found on our webpage.