Contact the Bursar
For questions about Payments and account balances, Please contact the Bursars Office
Contact the Bursars Office
470-448-1212 | Bursar@GwinnettTech.edu
Visit the Office of the Bursar webpage
Information about how to make a payment can be found on the Office of the Bursar webpage.
Be sure to use a supported browser when accessing Student Banner
Also note, some information may not display correctly on a mobile device.
Please see visit the Bursars page for more information
How to Make a Payment & View Your Account Balance
After registering for classes at Gwinnett Tech, it is time to review your student account and pay for any remaining balance. Payments can be made online, in-person, or by mail. If you are interested in setting up a payment plan, please visit our Payment Plans page.
Instructions for online payment are below:
To review your student account and make online payments, you must log-in to student Banner.

Select the student services and financial aid option to pull up your menu options. Review your account summary by term, you access that option by selecting student records and the account summary by term link. The account summary by term is going to list any tuition, student fees, supply fees, payments, and financial aid that has been applied to your account.

Online Payment options can be accessed in a number of locations on student Banner. You can select student records tab and “pay online” from that menu. You can also select the “Make a Payment Online” from the main menu.

When you select your term, you will be taken to the RTS payment gateway. You will be able to review a summary of your current balance, current aid, and the total due to Gwinnett Tech. You will need to enter the amount you are paying for this transaction. You can make more than 1 transaction if needed, as long as the balance owed is $0.00 by the payment deadline.

Enter the amount you wish to pay during this transaction and select “pay by credit.”
You will be directed to the credit card payment page. Enter the required information and select “pay now” at the bottom of the page.

After you submit a payment, make sure to print/save any confirmation page or number for your records. You can review your account summary by term to confirm your payments as well.
Contact the Bursar
Student Tech Support does not have access to student's financial records.
For questions about Payments and account balances, please contact the Bursars Office
Contact the Bursars Office
470-448-1212 | Bursar@GwinnettTech.edu
If you need tech support with anything else please contact Student Tech Support.
You can send us a message, give us a call, or come see us in person in the front lobby in building 100 on the Lawrenceville campus.
Thank you
Student IT Help Desk
Stuhelpdesk@gwinnetttech.edu | 678-226-6407
Frequently asked questions can also be found on our webpage.